MOT test will check the condition of all four tyres on the car. The
basic requirements are they have to be in within the UK legal limit of
1.6mm and in good condition including the valve and the wheel. The tyre
condition is checked for tears, bulges, cracks to the sidewall or any
other sort of damage. The basic principle is if the tyres on the
vehicle are not safe enough to drive on or breach any of the conditions
mentioned above they will fail the MOT test. The tread depth is checked
by a gauge, to ensure they have been checked properly and to comply with
safety compliance rules.
The condition of the spare tyre will not affect the MOT in any way but the wheel condition does. The wheel must not be damaged or have any distortions or cracks. The wheel should be securely attached to the vehicle and no wheel nuts or studs should be missing. Those cars that have the spare wheel on the outside of the vehicle should make sure that it is properly fitted and secure so that it does not fall off when driven.
Our advice is even if you tyres pass the MOT don't assume they are okay for another year. This may be the ideal time to ask the MOT inspector for the condition and remaining tread. If the tread depth is near to 2mm remaining it will pass the MOT but we would advise you change it. In some Instances, the MOT inspector will advise you to change the tyres although they have passed the MOT. Again this may be partly down to the fact that they are either past their service life as in they have been on the car far too long a period or someting else.